Thursday, June 07, 2007

Am I thick or what?

Don't answer that!

Before I went to the UK my
SP10 emailed to say there was a parcel on the way.

When I got back there was no parcel from my SP but a really sweet anonymous parcel that I was sure was from
Amber, because there was a little elemental with it, kind of her trademark.

My camera has run out of batteries (weird ones) so until I can get some more I am reduced to taking photos on my computer desk near the mains cable.

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Lots of yummy fibres to spin, a moon goddess and a scentilicious bar of soap which is fast disappearing.

Now those of you more logically inclined would think 'Ah, then Amber must be my SP' but I just sat at home wondering if I should email my SP to tell her that her parcel hadn't arrived yet. Doh, it took an email from Amber confessing she was outed before I twigged.

Look at these fab buttons I bought.

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Don't know what I will use them for but I couldn't resist them. They have a huge range but not sure where they can be bought. I got these at Wonderwool.

I made quite a bit of dosh at Wonderwool selling dyed mohair and wool and reinvested it in undyed Blue Face Leicester. The idea is to dye it up and sell it on Etsy. So watch this space - but don't hold your breath.

If I haven't been able to thank all the people who were so kind recently please consider yourself thanked. I loved Lorena's suggestion of getting something from the Fuck Cancer website. Why be subtle? They have lots of stuff for sale but I had a little giggle at the 'Fuck Tourettes Syndrome' merchandise


Blogger kiki said...

oh i love your buttons. i also bought some green ones & the white sheep. they are sooooo cute.

11:12 AM  

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